Life Groups
Our Associate Pastor, Maurice Watkins, came up with the acronym R.E.A.L to express the core values of our Life Groups – Relationship, Edification, Accountability, and Love.
Mission & Vision
At Living Waters Fellowship, we seek to provide a community that fosters growth into mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Life Groups are small gatherings of believers where people examine principles of God’s Word and how they will help us overcome the issues and challenges of life. It’s also where people pray together, care for one another, and are missed if they don’t show up.
There is not a way for our lead pastor to personally minister to everyone who attends Living Waters Fellowship. That’s why we place such emphasis on group life. It’s how we minister effectively. It is how we provide sustainable, ongoing care, because you are important to us. We want everyone to experience deep, supportive relationships in the body of Christ.
Meeting Times/Ages
Life Groups generally start at 7:30 pm on Thursday and conclude around 8:30 or 9:00 pm. You will be given more specific information when you choose a life group.
R.E.A.L Life
Our Associate Pastors, Maurice Watkins, came up with the acronym R.E.A.L to express the core values of our Life Groups – Relationship, Edification, Accountability, and Love. In Life Groups we are devoted to caring for and serving one another.
Life is all about relationships. Without close relationships, life is meaningless and shallow. Loneliness is one of the worst things anyone can experience. You were created to live in community.
In a corporate church setting, we are unable to provide the atmosphere for close relationships. Sincere handshakes and greetings are simply not enough. In order to provide adequate, Biblical care, we need to get past the exterior and minister on a personal level. Life Groups facilitate conversation and fellowship that gets beyond the surface.
Life Group members are there to support each other in times of need, weakness, and loss. They also celebrate life’s victories and accomplishments.
If you desire deeper relationships with fellow believers of Jesus Christ, a Life Group is for you.
One of the primary functions of the body of Christ is to edify one another in love.
The word used for edification in the New Testament is oikodomeo, which translates literally as “to build a house.”
By encouraging each other in the principles of God’s word, group members experience a mutual edification that helps everyone involved to become more like Christ. Our group atmosphere is designed to be positive and encouraging. We commit to respectful conversation, and even when a correction is warranted, it is done in love. Our goal is always to build and not tear down.
Sometimes we resist having to answer to someone else for our actions, but accountability simply means we lovingly check each other’s spiritual progress.
We all need the support of others in order to grow in Christ. None of us are able to see our own faults as well as we should.
Meeting with others weekly and discussing how we are doing leads to victorious living. Hearing others discuss their victories and struggles gives hope that, by the grace of God, we can be overcomers.
Whether it is weight loss, recovery, or pursuit of Christian character, group accountability is proven to greatly enhances success.
The final core value of our Life Groups is love. Love is the foundational element in all Christian endeavors, because God is love. As we read 1 Corinthians 13, we see that without love, all we do in the name of Christ is worthless.
In groups, we strive to share the love of God through praying together, weeping with those that weep, rejoicing with those that rejoice, bearing one another’s burdens, being there through thick and thin, and doing everything else we can to truly share life.

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Matthew 19:14-15 NKJV
But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." And He laid His hands on them...
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